Gründonnerstag, 15. April: WELCOME, SERVE, AND LOVE!

Wir laden herzlich ein zu unserem dreisprachigen Gottesdienst am:
Maundy Thursday ▪ Jeudi Saint ▪ Gründonnerstag, April 15, 2017.
A shared meal and worship service of Deutsche Evangelische Kirchengemeinde, Eglise Protestant Francophone de Washington, and Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ
7:00pm ▪ Potluck Meal ▪ Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share and to enjoy conversation and community with others
8:00pm ▪ Worship ▪ The service will include hymns, prayers and scripture in English, French, and German.
We will observe the Holy Thursday traditions of communion and footwashing.
Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ
1 Westmoreland Circle ● Bethesda, Maryland