March for Our Lives am 24. März - Wir demonstrieren!
Gemeinsam mit Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen der Emmanuel Lutheran Church nehmen wir an dem Marsch gegen Gun Violence und die freie Zugänglichkeit von Waffen teil. Wenn Sie mitkommen können, tragen Sie sich bitte nach dem Gottesdienst am Sonntag in die Liste im Vorraum der Kirche ein oder schicken Sie Pastor Wassmuth eine Nachricht. Die Veranstalter des Marsches schreiben:
"Across the United States, Americans will be marching on 24 March to have their voices heard that having weapons of war freely available is immoral, against the will of the people, and just nonsense. We say enough is enough after each mass shooting, but now we are at a point where the politics just might be shifting. Have your voice heard by joining us as we march and sign a condolence wall to send to the victims of the Parkland shooting. Non-Americans are more than welcome at this affirmative event. If you are interested in volunteering, speaking or helping in other ways, please contact us! Get the word out!"
Am Vorabend des Marsches findet eine interreligiöse Vigil in der Washington National Cathedral statt, auf die wir ebenfalls gerne hinweisen: MARCH FOR OUR LIVES PRAYER VIGIL Friday, March 23, 2018 | 7:00pm, Washington National Cathedral "On Saturday, March 24, the students and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools. On Friday, March 23, the Cathedral will host an interfaith prayer vigil for activists, students and pilgrims at 7 p.m. Students and leaders from many faith traditions will lead this prayer service recognizing the breadth of trauma caused by gun violence, including community shootings, school massacres, suicide, and related traumas. In prayer and song, this gathering will honor those we have lost, acknowledge the pain we carry, and lift up the need for healing for ourselves and our country. Together, we will call on the spirit of hope and love to carry us forward."